You heard that right! A sale!
A $5 sale at that!
If any of you have been thinking about purchasing My British Bear off Amazon but have not gotten around to it, from Black Friday to December 23rd My British Bear will be only $5 to purchase; and that’s the paperback version too! The paperback version with its beautiful, glossy cover and crisp pages.
Purchase before December 15th and contact me, and I’ll see what I can do about getting you a signed copy!
Buy one for a friend, a relative, or even somebody you don’t even know! It’s the perfect cozy read for anyone who is a teen or loves romance, and is also set during the Christmas season, so it’s the perfect gift to curl up with a cup of cocoa and enjoy.
((Jaylee Michelle Morgan I swear if you buy it I will stab and kill you. You better not buy it. You don’t need to be having 2 of the same book 😉 ))
That’s all I have to say! Thanks guys, and Happy Thanksgiving!