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June- A Month In Review

Writer's picture: Dawn DaggerDawn Dagger

*long suffering sigh*

*a chair squeaks noisely against the floor even though I’m in a rolling chair on carpet*

*as if in a YouTuber apology video, my exhausted face slowly pops onscreen*

Oh lawd.

It’s July.

So, a quick recap on June:

A lot of drama, very little got done? I got a fantastic new computer, an amazing microphone, recorded my first ever gaming YouTube video (not yet up), planned my courses for college, went to IKEA for the first time ever, and wrote a lot!

And, as June is over, it means that my first quarter of Quarterly Goals from Writer’s Relief is also finished, so we gotta review how that went!

(Guys I’m so tired).

College Courses

Super excited about college, don’t let me lie to you. I genuinely considered never going to college, but I toughed it out, and here we are! I’m very excited to start my journey at the College of Wooster on my path to an ESL Major.

For my first year, I have to share a dorm. I’m rooming with a girl named Rahel (one letter off from my name), and have to learn to leave my clothes all over the floor. I should be moving in later this month/ early August.

For my courses this Fall Semester I’m taking

Beginners Chinese

Conversation French

Global Engagement

Intro to Education

First-Year Seminar: Propaganda During Vietnam

I’m very excited about these courses, and I’m sure I’ll post lots about them!


So, my quarterly goal was to complete 25k of The Chronicles of Salt and Blood: Secret of the Monarch (because it would just make sense to write the sequel to my fantastic series), to finish my pirate anthology Forsaken Sons of Fire as a placeholder until Secret of the Monarch was finished, finish The Atlantic Island; Mosaics; Fractures in Stars, to post five podcast episodes, to post 10 blog posts, and to have a cover contest for Forsaken Sons of Fire.

I… um… Had a time with this.

Secret of the Monarch

I only did 5632 words of Secret of the Monarch. I know a lot of what I want to do, but I just… don’t feel it right now. I need to read more books.

Forsaken Sons of Fire

So, I technically did finish this anthology. But then my lovely editor told me I had to add more to Drunk and I was just like… no. But she’s right. And I have one more character picture to commission and grab, then I can start formatting. Once Drunk is finished. Of course.

Cover Contest

Yeah I realized a fatal error in my thinking. I kind of have to have the book formatted so I know book cover sizes. Sometimes I’m dumb. So it didn’t happen

The Atlantic Island; Mosaics: Fractures in Stars

I finished, got it edited, got that fantastic cover I posted about earlier, and it’s up for preorder! So, if you wanna grab it, click on the cover below and get it preordered before it releases!

Blog and Podcasts

*we all join in laughter together*

Click the podcast image to listen to the one episode I got out in the last three months (though due to having a new microphone I am pretty excited to start making more!)


Yes, you know this book. The one I post about every year and never do anything with because of lack of development/ inspiration/ other amazing books?


With a whopping 32k words in July, Shadow is back and ready to kick some butt!

Honestly I’m hoping to have her done by the end of September, have her edited in October, Beta-Read in November, and have her polished and ready for querying by January of next year!

*excited clapping*

You can actually get all the amazing information about Shadow by following the picture below to my WIP page on tumblr!

And that’s all for now!

WordPress updated and its nearly impossible to do anything on here uuuggghhhhhhhh

How are you all? Got any Camp NaNo projects? What did you do in June?

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