So, I am going to set goals for September so I actually get something done, because I won’t otherwise. Heh. I really need some help. You all saw how my summer goals went (if you didn’t, spoiler alert, they really didn’t), so I hope these go better.
Writing Goals
Write 15 more pages of Chronicles of Salt and Blood
Start rewriting that super awesome dragon book I found, maybe flesh out the outline a little more
Advertise My British Bear more
Reading Goals
Finish The Adventurer’s Guide to Successful Escapes
Finish Wings of Fire, Book 10
In Life Goals
Save $50
Completely unpack room (hang up shelves and all that stuff)
Don’t cry as a sophomore
Animating Goals
Finish Sophomore rant
Habitual Goals
Stop putting off stuff so much
Keep my room clean
Try new hair styles more often
Make my bed every day
Well, that’s all I can think of right now!!
What are your guys’ goals? What do you hope to accomplish? What should I get done?