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The Selcouth Award

Writer's picture: Dawn DaggerDawn Dagger

Hey, y’all! I’ve been nominated for the Selcouth Award by Jaylee Morgan over at Jaylee Morgan Writes! Thank you, Jay ❤ The definition of Selcouth is (adjective) unusual; strange.


1. Thank the blogger that nominated you (and a link too if you’re willing).

2. Nominate 5-10 blogs (links too!).

3. Answer the 13 questions given, and give the definition of your favorite (or just beautiful) word.

4. Ask 13 questions of your own. They must all be about writing, reading, books or book characters. Make them as creative/wacky/selcouth as can be!

5. Post the rules and include the award in your post.


Who’s your favorite character?

Well, begeez. Um. I’m going to go with Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead. He is beautiful, amazing, handsome, gorgeous, broken, hurt, and a fluffy kitty cat teddy bear. 


Now who would you ship them with? (Now go write fanfic! Yay! Lol.)

Carol. Obviously. I’ve always shipped him and Carol. Him and Beth were cute, but he’s done everything for Carol since the beginning of the show, they need each other. 

What’s your favorite thing about writing?

The fact that I can do and be whoever and whatever. I can have problems, I can not have problems, I can go on adventures, be loved, have love, be cool. I also get to write happy endings for people. There isn’t enough true love or happy endings in the world, and I get to knit those. 

What publishing company is your dream publishers?

Oh, boy… um… either Scholastic or Harpercollins.

What is your favorite pet from a book?

*blink blink* Pet…? Do I even read books with pets? *Thinks frantically* Oh! Dustfinger’s martin from Ink Heart. That little guy was the best. 

Who is your favorite author and why?

*whites out this question* What? sorry, you didn’t have this question.

What is your favorite writing style?

Define… writing style. *Looks up* Oh, okay. Rick Riordan’s. First person, deep into the character’s thoughts, having the character talking to you the reader and making it seem so real. 

First-, second-, or third-person?

First. Always first. But, I shall admit, third person for dark fantasy stories is definitely growing on me. 

Favorite era to read about?

Medieval. Hands down. 

Favorite place to write?

My bedroom. I can hardly write anywhere else.

An author who inspires you.

Rick Riordan. No one loved him at first and no one wanted his writing, but now it is a staple in our community.

Who your first book dedication is going to be to.

Jaylee Morgan, obviously. :3

Your favorite quote.

Probably, “What’s the point of living if you don’t have hope?” Which was Beth from The Walking Dead.

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M Y  Q U E S T I O NS:

  1. Why do you write?

  2. How long have you been writing?

  3. Do TV shows ever inspire you to develop characters or situations in a way you’ve seen done well?

  4. Music; essential or naw?

  5. Do you have something that just sets you up for writing?? (i.e. I always get a cup of coffee)

  6. Do you ever have story ideas just by misreading something?

  7. Third favorite series? (let’s change it up)

  8. Two book characters you would never ever put together?

  9. Have you ever finished a book?

  10. Do you have fantasies of publishing?

  11. Have you ever tried to get published?

  12. Does your personal likes affect your characters?

  13. Do you ever find it hard to control your characters, and find side characters making themselves enjoyable and important?


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