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What I’m Up To!- A October, 2019 Update

Writer's picture: Dawn DaggerDawn Dagger

You’re walking down the street. It’s raining, the droplets ‘pitter-patter’ing against your yellow raincoat. You stop to hop in a puddle, splashing the wet ground. All of a sudden, you notice a storm drain. You can hear coughing coming from inside.

What’s this? You wonder.

You peek down and all of a sudden my face pops up!

“We alwrite down here!” I declare.

Not gonna lie, I have no idea if that’s how the scene in the actual movie goes, but I thought it would be a fun opening.

So, amidst the chaos that is my life, I have a moment to update you all, so here I am!

*crawls out of drain gutter and over to a random whiteboard covered in writing*

Hey, so, here’s what I’ve been up to.


Working 30 hours a week (going on 5 weeks now)

I am fine with making money for working 30 hours a week (listen, I have Christmas, school trips, college soon, oil changes, concert tickets, and plenty of unexpected expenses to save for), but I thought I would fall back into a 20-25 hours a week after two or three weeks.


We’re going on five weeks now. I’m really tired y’all.

I also have started doing photobooths again, on top of cleaning for my mom, as always.

So ye. I’m tired.

School for 30 hours a week or somethin

Just school. Doing it.

Writings tons of short stories and hundred word stories for Creative Writing

Yeah. Creative writing was a great course to take. For example, I had to write a 100-word short story with the premise of ‘infection’.

The banging stopped suddenly. I curled closer to myself, praying whatever it was had not gotten in. I rubbed stickiness off of my cheeks, hoping the ooze was not my eyeballs, which had gone dark long before. The silence was sudden, nearly terrifying. It made me feel alone. I didn’t want to be alone. I didn’t want to die. I was going to die, like everyone else in the damned world. Succumbing to an infection that spread like flu. I wailed. I didn’t want to die. My ears popped. I could not hear. At least the horrid screaming had stopped.

Suffering in Aerospace class





I am SO bad at math, and all of our stuff is math that either ends in numbers that are like 68,000, or .00068.

I love it, I really do, but I’m also just frying my brain slowly.

Driving Entirely Too Much

4 hours round trip for a concert last week. A bunch of driving all week. THEN a concert in Cincinnati (3 hours away, just there), in two weeks. My car and my life are constantly on empty, not gonna lie.

I really gotta get to the library to get some more audio books…


I’ll definitely write a full, wonderful blog post telling all about my wonderful trip to see the cutest boy God has ever created, and I’ve ever had the pleasure of being in the same room with, but for now, enjoy this post and his adorbsable smiles. 🙂 (And also Austin because he is an unsung hero)

I see Twenty One Pilots in 2 Weeks

It’s 3 hours away but whatever. We’ll suffer for the clique, and for Annee.

(Actually, honestly, I’m really super tired and don’t wanna go and miss another day of school and call off an eight hour day of work, but I spent $200 on these tix and I can’t lose that money and also my dad is super excited)

Applied to a College

I applied to Wooster College and messed up but fixed it, and eventually I’ll tell y’all about it, lol. But, basically, I’m waiting on them to reply.


Finished writing my short story, ‘Shattered’, and submitted it for the Atlantic Island Anthology

Haha, look at that cover! This is a super secret project I’ve been working on, and now you guys kinda know about it! The preorders for the ebook are open right now (click on the fancy cover for more details!), and it goes live in December.

You should read it! It’s fancy. I worked really hard on it…

Also it ties into a bigger universe and you totally wanna read that too

Finished all the details for the cover of my high fantasy pirate novel

Oh my goodness golly me I can’t wait to show you guys!

Of course I have to wait a little to show you because I have a super special cover reveal planned, but I’ve got the blurb, the tagline, and the whole cover done.

Savannah over at Dragon Pen Press is worth wayyyyy more than what she charges, and you guys have got to check her out. You don’t know the amount of compliments I got for my book cover because of her.

Attended an Author Fair

My first ever, exciting, right? I’ll be posting a blog about that too, soon*!

*soon is a very relative word

Restarted (for the, I kid you not, tenth time) Shadow

So, Shadow is my one true love baby chid project I’ve been working on for seven or eight years now, and have started, restarted, and written around 10 different times.

(For example, the blog post titled ‘Rewriting the Rewrite of the Rewrite‘ from 2017 when I was an actual slug- a 15-year-old).

I’ve grown a lot since the first time I wrote it, which has definitely helped with its existence, but it doesn’t help it suck less that she isn’t done.

However, though, I do have it started again, and I may just be able to get going on getting it written.

Figured out the infection details for A Scarlet Dawn and started on learning the formula for the rate and spread of disease

It turns out, if you didn’t know, that the spread and rate of spread of disease is an extremely complicated equation that looks a little like this:

And that’s just the differential equation. That doesn’t even begin to talk about herd immunity or anything else.

It’s a literal five-course class online.

But, yeah, I’ve found it.

A Scarlet Dawn is another story I’ve been working on for basically my entire life, but it was originally supposed to be a zombie novel that I could never get right. With this new, infectious disease I’ve created, I can finally start to write this epic.

Editing my high fantasy pirate novel (I’m about 1/5 of the way done)

I literally said back in January that I wanted to get this done, but I didn’t realize how long editing, ARCS, and then second editing would take. I’m basically finishing details and stuff before I send it over to my editor.

I’m 35 pages in of 150, which is a horrible rate, but I am getting there. I still hope to publish it in January of 2020.

Other Stuff

Animating a Little from The Atlantic Island Trilogy; Atlantic Island

You know me, you guys. If I have too much to do, instead of doing what I should be doing, I start animating. Well, when you have a super awesome scene and then it reminds you of Jonathan Young’s cover of Delivery Us from one of the most gorgeous movies ever, you have to give in.

So, yeah, I’ve started animating a segment from it. Will it go on my YouTube channel? Hopefully, eventually.


Welp, that’s all for now folks!

How have you all been? What are your current projects? You know I love you all sooooo much! I wanna hear about you guys too!

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